- “Tumor Targeted Delivery of an Anti-Cancer Therapeutic: an in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation”
Kang Y.J., Holley C.K., Abidian M., Madhankumar A.B., Connor J., and Majd S.* [Kang Y.J. and Holley C.K. contributed equally] Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 10, 2001261. |
News! This article is featured on the back cover of the Advanced Healthcare Materials Journal |
- “Experimental Validation of a Phase-Field Model to Predict Coarseningdynamics of Lipid Domains in Multicomponent Membranes”
Zhiliakov A., Wang Y., Quaini A., Olshanskii M.*, and Majd S.* [Zhiliakov A. and Wang Y. contributed equally] Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 2021, 1863(1): 183446. |
- “An Improved in Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model for Applications in Therapeutics’ Delivery to Brain”
Kuo C.-F and Majd S.* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE: 3331-3334. |
- “Examining the Anti-Tumor Activity of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles In Vitro”
Holley C.K. and Majd S.* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 5029-5032. |
- “Microtubule Binding Kinetics of Membrane-Bound Kinesin-1 Predicts High Motor Copy Numbers on Intracellular Cargo”
Jiang R., Vandal S., Park S., Majd S., Tüzel E., and Hancock W.O.* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2019, 116(52), 26564-26570. |
- “Development and in Vitro Assessment of an Anti-Tumor Nano-Formulation”
Holley C.K., Kang Y.J., Kuo C.-F., Abidian M., and Majd S.* Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 110481. |
- “Optimization of the Single Emulsion Method for Encapsulation of a Cancer Drug in Nanoparticles”
Holley C.K., Sinquefield B., and Majd S.* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 1078-1081
- “Preparation of Gel-Liposome Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications”
Mirab F., Wang Y., Farhadi H., and Majd S.* Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 3935-3938.
- “A Computational Study of Lateral Phase Separation in Biological Membranes”
Yushutin V., Quaini A., Majd S., and Olshanskii M.* International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering, 2019, 35(3), p.e3181. |
 - “Preparation and Characterization of Size-Controlled Glioma Spheroids Using Agarose Hydrogel Microwells”
Mirab F., Kang Y.J., and Majd S.* [Mirab F. and Kang Y.J. contributed equally] PLOS ONE, 2019, 14(1): e0211078 |
 - “Electrospining of Highly Aligned Fibers for Drug Delivery Applications”
Eslamian M., Khorrami M., Yi N., Majd S., and Abidian M.* Journal of Materials Chemistry B 7.2, 2019, 224-232. |
- “Fabrication and Optimization of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles”
Holley C.K., Alkhalifah S., and Majd S.*
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 5733-5736.
- “Reconstitution and Functional Studies of Hamster P-glycoprotein in Giant Liposomes”
Park S. and Majd S.* PLOS ONE, 2018, 13(6): e0199279 |
- “Micro-Patterned Films of Bio-functionalized Conducting Polymers for Cellular Engineering“
Park S., Abidian M.R., and Majd S.*
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 1595-1598.
- “A Review of Patterned Organic Bioelectronic Materials and their Biomedical Applications”
Park S., Kang Y. J, and Majd S.* Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 758-7619.
News! This article is selected as the front inside cover of Advanced Materials.
- “Highly Permeable Artificial Water Channels That Can Self-Assemble into Two-Dimensional Arrays”
Shen Y-x., Si W., Erbakan M., Decker K., Zorzi R.D., Saboe P.O., Kang Y.J., Majd S., et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112, 9810-9815. |
- “Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin Pores”
Xu S., Chen M., Majd S., Yue X., and Liu C.* Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, 2014, 2, 34-55.
- “Hydrogel-Mediated Direct Patterning of Conducting Polymer Films with Multiple Surface Chemistries”
Park S., Yang G., Madduri N., Abidian M., and Majd S.* Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 2782–2787.
News! This article is selected as the cover of Advanced Materials. This work is also highlighted on Penn State News (May 9, 2014), Science Daily (May 9, 2014) and USA News (May 11, 2014).
- “A Simple and Versatile Method for the Formation of Arrays of Giant Vesicles with Controlled Size and Composition”
Kang Y.J., Wostein H.S., and Majd S.* Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 6834-6838.
News! This article is featured on the front cover of the Advanced Materials Journal. This article is also featured on Penn State News (December 16, 2013), Science Daily (December 16, 2013), and Polymer Solutions Newsblog (January 23, 2014).
- “A Model for the Interfacial Kinetics of Phospholipase D Activity on Long-Chain Lipids”
Majd S.* Yusko E. C., Yang J., Sept D.*, and Mayer M.* Biophysical Journal, 2013, 105, 146-153.
News! This article is featured on the cover of the Biophysical Journal. It is also highlighted in the “New and Notable” section of this issue of Biophysical Journal and on the Biophysical Society Weblog.
- “Controlling Translocation through Nanopores with Bio-Inspired, Fluid Walls”
Yusko E.C., Johnson J., Majd S., Prangkio P., Rollings R., Li J., Yang J.*, and Mayer M.* Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 253-260.
News! This work was highlighted in Nature, Nature Biotechnology, UM News Service, Chemistry World, Cosmos, and Futurity.
- “Applications of Biological Pores in Nanotechnology”
Majd S., Yusko E.C., Billeh Y., Macrae M. X., Yang J., and Mayer M.* Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2010, 21, 439-476.
- “Gramicidin Pores Report the Activity of Membrane-Active Enzymes”
Majd S., Yusko E.C., MacBriar A.D., Yang J.*, and Mayer M.* Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 16119-16126.
- “Lipid Membrane Detected by Silica Microtube-Based Optical Resonator Biosensor”
Ling T., Majd S., Mayer M., and Guo J.* SPIE Proceedings, 2008, 6862, 68620B1-68620B8.
- “Generating Arrays with High Content and Minimal Consumption of Functional Membrane Proteins”
Majd S. and Mayer M.* Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 16060-16064.
- “Characterization of Changes in the Viscosity of Lipid Membranes with the Molecular Rotor FCVJ”
Nipper M.E., Majd S., Mayer M., Lee J., Theodorakis E.A., and Haidekker M.A.* Journal of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2008, 1778, 1148-1153. |
- “Methods and Technical Advances Assays for Studying Annexin Binding to Artificial Bilayers”
Majd S., Estes D.J., and Mayer M.* [Majd S. and Estes D.J. contributed equally] Calcium Binding Proteins, 2006, 1, 26-29.
- “Hydrogel Stamping of Arrays of Supported Lipid Bilayers with Various lipid Compositions for the Screening of Drug-Membrane and Protein-Membrane Interactions”
Majd S. and Mayer M.* Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2005, 44, 6697-6700.