

The membrane surrounding cells is a complex milieu of lipids and proteins with a vital role in many of the fundamental cell processes including adhesion, proliferation, and signaling. Dr. Majd research group investigates the molecular processes within and across cell membranes and the role of these molecular events in normal and diseased cellular functions.

Research in this group is mainly focused on lipid-protein interactions, protein-protein interactions, membrane-associated enzymatic reactions, and signaling across membranes. In order to better understand and characterize these membrane-involved molecular processes, the Cellular Biophysics and Biotechnology Laboratory employs a multidisciplinary approach, integrating principles from cell and molecular biology, biophysics, biomaterials, and micro/nano fabrication.

The ultimate goal of this work is to gain new insight into the underlying role of cell membranes in disease states in order to identify better therapeutic targets and to improve diagnostic approaches.

In addition to the fundamental studies on cell membranes, our group is also interested in the application of membrane components in bionanotechnology, in particular, for the development of biomimetic materials