- Our article “Tumor Targeted Delivery of an Anti‐Cancer Therapeutic: An In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation” is featured on the cover of the Advanced Healthcare Materials. Check out our cover!!
December 2020
- Congratulations to Yifei for passing her qualifying exam to become a PhD candidate!
November 2020
- The final version of our article “Tumor Targeted Delivery of an Anti‐Cancer Therapeutic: An In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation” is now published and available online!
- Our article on Tumor Targeted Delivery of an Anti‐Cancer Therapeutic is accepted for publication in the journal of Advanced Healthcare
August 2020
- The final version of our article in collaboration with Dr. Quaini and Dr. Olshanskii from math department “Experimental validation of a
phase-field model to predict coarseningdynamics of lipid domains in multicomponent membranes” is now published and available online!
- The final version of our articles “Examining the Anti-Tumor Activity of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles In Vitro” and “An Improved in Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model for Applications in Therapeutics’ Delivery to Brain” are now published and available online!
- Congrats to Yifei! She is a co-first author on our collaborative paper with math department on dynamics of lipid domains that was accepted for publication in the journal of BBA-Biomembranes!
July 2020
- In collaboration with Dr. Quaini and Dr. Olshanskii from mathematics department, Dr. Majd receives an NSF award to develop a simple, safe, and efficient system to deliver macromolecules to a cell’s interior! Check out the News!
- Claire and Joseph attend the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) meeting with two talks on anti-tumor drug loaded nanoparticles and improved blood-brain barrier model.
June 2020
- Dr. Majd receives a Teaching Excellence Award from the Cullen Collage of Engineering!! Check out the News!
- Dr. Majd is awarded a GEAR (Grants to Enhance and Accelerate Research) from UH Devision of Research! Check out the News!
- Congrats to Tatiana for receiving a Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS) for the next semester.
May 2020
- Congrats to Dhriti and Abigail for receiving a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for this summer!
April 2020
- Claire’s article “Examining the Anti-Tumor Activity of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles In Vitro” and Joseph’s article “An Improved in Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model for Applications in Therapeutics’ Delivery to Brain” are accepted for publication in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).
March 2020
- Congratulations to Claire for defending her Ph.D. thesis!! Dr. Holley will soon start her postdoctoral training at Leidos Biomedical/Frederick National Laboratory!
December 2019
- Congratulations to Fereshteh for passing her qualifying exam to become a PhD candidate!
October 2019
- The final version of our articles “Preparation of Gel-Liposome Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications” and “Optimization of the Single Emulsion Method for Encapsulation of a Cancer Drug in Nanoparticles” are now published and available online!
- The final version of our article “Development and In Vitro Assessment of an Anti-Tumor Nano-Formulation” is now published and available online!
August 2019
- Claire’s paper on development of anti-tumor nano-formulation was accepted for publication in the journal of Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Congratulations Claire!
July 2019
- We attend the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) meeting in Berlin with two talks on our biomaterials studies and a poster on our anticancer nanoformulation work.
June 2019
Congrats to Claire for passing her prospectus exam!
May 2019
- Bridgett and Dang are among the recipients of Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) 2019 and will continue their work in the lab for this summer.
- Congratulations to Joseph for passing his qualifying exam to become a PhD candidate!
April 2019
- Claire presents her work on cancer nano-formulation at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Seattle.
- Our papers “Preparation of gel-liposome nanoparticles for drug delivery applications” and “Optimization of the single emulsion method for encapsulation of a cancer drug in nanoparticles” were accepted for publication in the Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC) 2019 conference proceeding.
- Congratulations to Hanieh for defending her Master thesis!
- In collaboration with two professors from Math department, Dr. Majd publishes an article “A computational study of lateral phase separation in biological membranes” in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering.
February 2019
- Our group attends the Graduate Research Showcase at the university of Houston with four posters.
- Our article “Preparation and characterization of size-controlled glioma spheroids using agarose hydrogel microwells” is now published in PLOS ONE.
- Congrats to Fereshteh and You Jung! Their paper on preparation of tumor spheroids is accepted for publication in the journal of PLOS ONE!
- In collaboration with Dr. Abidian’s group, Dr. Majd publishes an article “Electrospining of highly aligned fibers for drug delivery applications” in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
November 2018
- Fereshteh attends the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting and Exhibition in Boston and presents her work on biomolecular gradients in conducting polymers as an oral presentation.
July 2018
- Group attends the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) meeting in Hawaii, where Claire presents her paper “Fabrication and Optimization of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles” as an oral presentation and Fereshteh presents her work on biomolecular gradients as a poster.
- Claire’s poster on nanoparticle based drug delivery is presented at Control Release Society (CRS) annual meeting in NYC.
June 2018
- Our article “Reconstitution and functional studies of hamster P-glycoprotein in giant liposomes” is now published in PLOS ONE.
- Claire’s paper “Fabrication and Optimization of Dp44mT-Loaded Nanoparticles” is accepted for publication in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).
May 2018
- Dr. Majd receives a NSF CAREER award for improvement of targeted delivery systems! Check out the news!
- Soo’s paper on giant vesicular-based study of Pgp is accepted for publication in PLOS ONE!
- Congrats to Joshua for receiving a SURF fellowship to continue his work in the lab this summer!
June 2017
- Soo’s paper “Micro-Patterned Films of Bio-functionalized Conducting Polymers for Cellular Engineering” is accepted for publication in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC).
- You Jung’s paper “Nanoparticle-Based Delivery of an Anti-Proliferative Metal Chelator to Tumor Cells” is accepted for publication in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).
May 2017
- Congrats to Sukaina for receiving a SURF fellowship for this summer!
- Lab welcomes a high-school summer intern, Jaduna, from the Dulles Math & Science Academy.
April 2017
- Claire successfully passes her qualification exam and becomes a Ph.D. candidate, congrats!
December 2016
- Congratulations to Soo for defending her Ph.D. thesis!! Dr. Park will soon start her postdoctoral training at the Texas Medical Center!
You Jung defends her Ph.D. thesis!! Congrats Dr. Kang!
December 2015
- Our article “A Review of Patterned Organic Bioelectronic Materials and their Biomedical Applications” is published in Advanced Materials and is featured on the cover of this journal.
November 2015
- The youngest lab member, Araam Abidian, is featured on the Daily Cougar News!
- Congratulations to Eric VanArsdale for defending his M.S. thesis!
October 2015
- Eric VanArsdale and Do Young Kim attend the BMES annual meeting in Tampa, presenting multiple posters from our group.
- We are excited to announce that Dr. Majd’s group moves to Biomedical Engineering department at the University of Houston!
- Our Advanced Materials review on patterned organic bioelectronics is published online!
August 2015
- Congrats to Soo Park for defending her M.S. thesis!
- You Jung and Dr. Majd are co-authors on a collaborative paper led by Dr. Manish Kumar “Highly permeable artificial water channels that can self-assemble into two-dimensional arrays” published in PNAS.
July 2015
- Our article “A Review of Patterned Organic Bioelectronic Materials and Their Biomedical Applications” is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials!
June 2015
- Joseph Kuo accepts a research position at Caris Life Sciences and leaves us for his new job in Arizona, congratulations!
- Congrats to Eric VanArsdale for passing his Ph.D. candidacy exam!
- The group celebrated the start of summer with a lab picnic.
- You Jung Kang received a Villforth Award, congratulations!
- Dr. Majd was featured in the Faculty Spotlight of the Spring issue of Focus on Materials.
- Reena Philips received an internship offer and will leave us for few months of industrial work experience, good job Reena!
April 2015
- Congrats to Michael for receiving a CERI grant!
- You Jung and Soo gave two talks on their research at the Society for Biomaterials annual meeting in Charlotte.
- DoYoung receives an Erickson Discovery Grant, congrats!
December 2014
- Soo successfully passed her Ph.D. comprehensive exam, Congrats!
November 2014
- You Jung successfully passed her Ph.D. comprehensive exam, Congrats!
October 2014
- Our group attended the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX, with two talks on You Jung’s work on giant proteoliposomes and Soo’s work on micropatterned functional polymers.
August 2014
- Congratulations to Soo Park and You Jung Kang for receiving the Biomedical Engineering Society Student Travel Award!
- Reena Philips receives a CERI grant for undergarduate research, congrats Reena!
- Group welcomes a new graduate student, Eric VanArsdale.
July 2014
- The youngest member of the Majd group, Dr. Majd’s son, was born!
- Our article “A Review of Patterned Organic Bioelectronic Materials and Their Biomedical Applications” is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials!
June 2014
- Congratulations to Joseph for defending his M.S. thesis!
May 2014

- Our work on biofunctionalized conducting polymers was highlighted on Penn State
News (“Conducting polymer films decorated with biomolecules for cell research use”), Science Daily, and USA News. - Soo’s Advanced Materials paper entitled “Hydrogel-Mediated Direct Patterning of Conducting Polymer Films with Multiple Surface Chemistries” is now published and featured on the cover of this journal!
- Harrison received a competitive internship offer and leaves us for few months of work experience at Johnson & Johnson, good job Harrison!
- Andrew leaves our lab and moves to Virginia Tech to start his Ph.D. Farewell, Andrew!
April 2014
- Joseph presented his results on nanoparticle delivery systems in a talk at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting in Denver.
- You Jung’s and Soo’s works were presented at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
- Congratulations to Soo! She is a 2013-2014 recipient of the Harold K. Schilling Dean’s Graduate Scholarship from the Graduate School. This scholarship recognizes outstanding graduate students whose course of study is relevant to science, religion, and ethics or whose studies involve critical societal benefits such as improvement of health, environment or energy.
- Our collaborative article with Dr. Chun Liu’s group entitled “Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin Pores” was accepted for publication in the journal of Molecular Based Mathematical Biology.
- Congrats to Darian, she receives a Summer Discovery Grant to continue her research over the summer.
- Soo and You Jung present their posters at 2014 Graduate Exhibition in Penn State.
- Joseph, Soo, and You Jung present their works in a talk at the College of Engineering Research Symposium 2014 in Penn State.
March 2014
- Congratulations to Soo, her recently accepted Advanced Materials article was selected as the cover of this journal!
- Early View version of Soo’s Advanced Materials paper is published online (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201306093/abstract).
- You Jung presents her work in a talk at the annual Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco.
- The lab hosts a Biomedical Engineering workshop for nearly 70 middle school girls as part of 2014 Expanding Your Horizons STEM Career Day.
January 2014
- Congratulations to Soo, her paper on patterning of conductive polymers was accepted for publication in the journal of Advanced Materials!
- Congratulations to You Jung for passing her candidacy exam!
- You Jung’s artistic illustration of liposomes was selected as one of the 12 finalists of the Biophysical Society Art of Science Image Contest, congrats to You Jung!
- Darian received a competitive co-op offer and leaves us for few months of co-op at Johnson & Johnson, good job Darian!
December 2013

- Soo and Joseph’s works are presented at Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in Boston in a platform and a poster presentation.
- Our research on cell-sized liposomes is featured on the Penn State News page, read the story “Microprinting leads to low-cost artificial cells”.
- Our Advanced Materials paper is now published and is featured on the front cover of the journal. Congratulations to You Jung and Harrison!
November 2013
- You Jung receives a competitive Biophysical Society Travel Award to attend the 2014 BPS meeting in San Francisco, congratulations You Jung!
October 2013
- Early View version of You Jung’s and Harrison’s Advanced Materials paper is published online
(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201303290/abstract). - The group attends the Material’s Day 2013 in Penn State and You Jung presents her poster on formation of giant vesicles.
- The group attends the Biophysical Society Regional Meeting in Penn State, presenting You Jung’s and Joseph’s works.
- The group attends the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting in Seattle with one platform (Soo’s work on conductive polymers) and two poster (You Jung’s and Joseph’s works) presentations.
- Dr. Majd and Dr. Hancock are organizing a Biophysical Society Regional Meeting at Penn State on Oct 4, 2013. Registration is free, don’t forget to register and attend!
August 2013
- Congratulations to You Jung and Harrison, their paper was accepted for publication in Advanced Materials journal!
- Soo receives a scholarship from Korean-American Foundation, congratulations Soo!
July 2013

- Dr. Majd is among the recipients of the Charles Kaufman Foundation Young Investigator Research Grants.
- Dr. Majd’s paper “A Model for the Interfacial Kinetics of Phospholipase D Activity on Long-Chain Lipids” is featured on the cover of the Biophysical Journal.
- It was also highlighted in the the “New and Notable” section of this issue of Biophysical Journal and on the Biophysical Society Weblog. Our Biophysical J article “A Model for the Interfacial Kinetics of Phospholipase D Activity on Long-Chain Lipids” is highlighted in the “New and Notable” section of BJ.
June 2013
- Dr. Majd’s paper “A Model for the Interfacial Kinetics of Phospholipase D Activity on Long-Chain Lipids” is accepted for publication at the Biophysical Journal.
- Dr. Majd receives a Grace Woodward Grant for a collaborative project with the Department of Neurosurgery.
- Congratulations to Soo for passing her candidacy exam!
May 2013
- Hetty leaves our lab and starts her graduate studies in University of Delaware.
April 2013
- Soo’s work is presented at the Society for Biomaterials Meeting in Boston.
- Joseph & Soo’s works are presented at Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco in a platform and a poster presentation.
- Hetty receives the second place award in Health and Life Sience for her poster presentation at the 2013 Undergraduate Exhibition in Penn State as well as an Honorable Mention.
- Soo and You Jung present their works at the College of Engineering Research Symposium 2013 in Penn State.
February 2013
- The Group attends Biophysics Society Meeting in Philadelphia, and Dr. Majd presents our work in a platform presentation.
December 2012
- Erin receives Travel Award to attend the annual Biophysical Society Meeting in February.
October 2012
- Erin presents her poster at Biomedical Engineering Society annual meeting in Atlanta.
September 2012
- Erin and Hetty present their works as posters at Biophysical Society Pennsylvania Network Meeting, held in Lehigh University.
August 2012
- The group welcomes new graduate students Soo Park, You Jung Kang, and Joseph Kuo.
July 2012
- Dr. Majd gives a plenary talk at the 3rd US-Turkey Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Grand Challenges held in Antalya, Turkey.
June 2012
- Erin presents her work at MRS – Electronic Materials Conference
- Congratulations to Erin for passing her candidacy exam!
May 2012
- Hetty receives a competitive “Summer Discovery Grant” for her research in the lab.